A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1: insert_at_end method name should be append (p 245)

Title: A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1: insert_at_end method name should be append (p 245)


On page 245 there’s the following text:

The Queue class implements its methods on top of our DoublyLinkedList. The enqueue method relies on the insert_at_end method of our DoublyLinkedList:

However, the DoublyLinkedList class does not implement an insert_at_end method, but it does implement an append method. See page 243 for the code listing for the DoublyLinkedList append method. Note also that a text search of the PDF file only returns the single instance of the text insert_at_end.

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Great catch, thank you! Please keep them coming!

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