136 facts every web dev should know

Everything I’ve learned about web development in the almost twenty-five years I’ve been practising. All boiled down into a neat little list that I put together over a week.

I’m Icelandic, so I’m prone to absolute statements. It’s a cultural thing.

No, I’m not going to explain any of these.

  1. There are exceptions to most rules.
  2. Web development becomes more complicated the more you pull it apart and less so the more you step back.
  3. The best way to improve software UX is regular direct observation, by everybody on the team, of the work done.
  4. Software development needs to support the needs of those in the organisation. Otherwise, its ability to serve the needs of the customer will fall apart in short order.
  5. You may think that software development at a software company serves the customer directly, but you’d be mistaken. The organisation is the software development team’s primary customer.

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  1. There are exceptions to most rules.

There are exceptions to every rule – including this one. :wink: