Why fnm was rewritten in Rust

Why fnm was rewritten in Rust.
…or, why did I rewrite a Reason-native showcase project into Rust?

It wasn’t very long ago, when I mentioned I’m rewriting fnm in Rust. At first, I was just experimenting in order to learn the language: fnm is kinda wide in its scope — works with the file system, network and user input, and I know exactly what to test. After a couple of days experimenting with Rust I had some insights, comparing it to Reason.

Reason and Rust feel very close, as if they were family. I guess that most of it comes from having ML-style type system with C-style syntax. Rust is usually treated as a lower-level language (it is), and as a very verbose one, because if you compare it to higher-level languages like Reason, you find yourself much more explicit about what you want, like passing references and static strings, etc. But seems that while you still think about memory more, Rust provides great ways to abstract knowledge and build higher-level components to your system…

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