Why don’t tech companies pay engineers more to stay? - Ethena.
Why don’t tech companies pay engineers more to stay? The top companies for engineers are transparent and they pay attention to an engineer’s salary. Ethena
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It’s rather not about how long you work for someone, but who that person/company is. It’s not surprising in US to pay 10+k USD / month. That’s enough to hire 4 devs in Easy Europe and pay basic company monthly costs. How people could be ever motivated if for the very same task they have 4-5 time less money? Well if we would talk about only local markets and without an English knowledge requirement it would be fine, but often many companies offer “local” salaries while having clients from US.
That’s why from time to time I’m looking for a middle priced (between West Europe and US i.e. 5k EUR - 10k USD => ~7.5k EUR) job offers which nicely covers with Romanian upper limit for no VAT (88.5K EUR / year i.e. 7375 EUR / month). Good hourly salary, same salary / year, minimal paper work. I do not wish to have more. I just want to follow a fair trade rule. If I would be only interested in money then I would try to relocate to US.
Salary expectations does not really need to cover a highest market rates especially in B2B-like agreements. However with said 2k EUR / month I would have trouble to buy a new PC like my current one which is worth ~5k EUR. For sure if I would some day relocate to a country with lower monthly costs and cheaper IT stuff then I could easily agree on much smaller salary. However it’s easier to say than do. At some level people think more about stable life with as less stress as possible.
That’s why I cannot agree with this post. There are many types of people for sure, but in many cases there must be something bigger to leave a job. I would not even touch millions if in exchange I would have to work a week for a black company.