What's your perspective on and experience with serverless backends?

Not very surprising having in mind this part of the article:

With that, every language and runtime can be quite fast with a warm instance.

But the trouble is, every hosting provider’s goal is to reuse machines as much as possible and to charge as much as possible for the least amount of server power possible. And the cloud providers periodically stop the warmed-up instance. And if you have JS or even Elixir, the start up times are still pretty bad.

So having that in mind, I still think the languages compiling to a native binary have a big advantage.

I admit I am skeptical. The problem might be contained in this description: “among the commonly used”. It’s a fledgling area and I am not sure how much people tried how many languages and runtimes. JS’ V8 runtime engine is quite good, I know, but it’s hard to beat something like Go or Rust. So we might have a selection bias here?

Absolutely agreed. Breaking programs into smaller, more specialized parts, has always been something that improves maintainability – long before the “cloud” has even been a thing. So I am fully for it! I am just kind of wary of the big providers; they don’t have our best interests in mind.

I’d likely be very happy to have something coded by the OSS community which can be transposed onto AWS / GCP / any-VPS-provider but not sure how viable that is.

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