What does a developer advocate do?

Oh, I am not claiming anything about iOS vs. Android, just what I heard from people who were very much into electronics. No, I don’t have links, and I agree that conspiracy theories are normal. I am not saying that I believe them – but there would be a strong vested interest if all mobile device’s security can be remotely compromised at any time by governments, don’t you think? Basically, “follow the money and power” thing. :slight_smile:

I am not a conspiracy theorist but in the rush to have working technology people do take shortcuts and this has been acutely visible in the last several years – literally every week there are news about personal data leaks of hundreds of millions of people whose details are now on the net.

Thanks for your clarifications. From them I gather you are a programmer who also does demos and advocates for certain practices – now I understand the title better. :slight_smile: