Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition: missing refer and more page277-278 P1.0

Dmitri Sotnikov @dmitri and Scot Brown @svmbrown

On page 277 image-uploader needs to be referred to from components

#(rf/dispatch [:message/save-media %])
“Insert an Image”]]]

On page 278 I sense that we are only trying to update the code of submit button not the whole message-form as shown:

(defn message-form
“Post Something!”]
(let [{:keys [login profile]} @(rf/subscribe [:auth/user])
display-name (:display-name profile login)]
{:type :submit
:disabled @(rf/subscribe [:form/validation-errors?])
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:message/send!
@(rf/subscribe [:form/fields])
@(rf/subscribe [:message/media])])
:value “comment”}]])])