The Ray Tracer Challenge: Cylinder test #7 (p185) - failed corner cases


I’m stuck on the test for #7 “Intersecting the caps of a closed cylinder”.
Tests 3 & 5 are failing as the intersections count is equal to one (one the cap intersection is detected).

After staring at the code for some time, any help is appreciated!

override internal func shapeSpecificIntersection(transformedRay:Ray<T>) -> Array<Intersection<T>> {
    var result = Array<Intersection<T>>()
    let a = transformedRay.direction.x * transformedRay.direction.x + transformedRay.direction.z * transformedRay.direction.z
    let b = 2 * transformedRay.origin.x * transformedRay.direction.x +
            2 * transformedRay.origin.z * transformedRay.direction.z
    if (a.magnitude < Self.defaultEpsilon || b.magnitude < Self.defaultEpsilon) {
        return intersectCaps(ray: transformedRay)

    let c = transformedRay.origin.x * transformedRay.origin.x + transformedRay.origin.z * transformedRay.origin.z - 1

    let disc = b * b - 4 * a * c
    if (disc < 0) {
        return intersectCaps(ray: transformedRay)
    var t0 = (-b - sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
    var t1 = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)

    if t0 > t1 {
        let tmp = t1
        t1 = t0
        t0 = tmp

    let y0 = transformedRay.origin.y + t0 * transformedRay.direction.y
    if minimum < y0 && y0 < maximum {
        result.append(Intersection<T>(shape: self, t: t0))
    let y1 = transformedRay.origin.y + t1 * transformedRay.direction.y
    if minimum < y1 && y1 < maximum {
        result.append(Intersection<T>(shape: self, t: t1))
    result.append(contentsOf: intersectCaps(ray: transformedRay))
    return result

func checkCap(ray: Ray<T>, t: T) -> Bool {
    let x = ray.origin.x + t * ray.direction.x
    let z = ray.origin.z + t * ray.direction.z
    return (x * x) + (z * z) <= 1

func intersectCaps(ray: Ray<T>) -> Array<Intersection<T>> {
    var result = Array<Intersection<T>>()
    if !closed {
        return result
    var t = (minimum - ray.origin.y) / ray.direction.y
    if (checkCap(ray: ray, t: t)) {
        result.append(Intersection<T>(shape: self, t: t))
    t = (maximum - ray.origin.y) / ray.direction.y
    if (checkCap(ray:ray, t: t)) {
        result.append(Intersection<T>(shape: self, t: t))
    return result

Best regards & happy coding! doja