Spotlight: Johanna Rothman (Author)

Aston, so, I’m in the midst of finishing the Modern Management Made Easy books. See for links to all 3.

I’m in the “middle” of a book about how to be a successful consultant. A fellow consultant asked me to run a workshop about how to be a consultant (I have 25 years of experience and I’ve made money every year), so of course, I thought, “I’ll write a book!” I realized just this past week that I need to write a chapter about how to speak truth to power.

That’s the 4 I knew about. I’m also collecting writings/notes/things for these books:

  1. how to write nonfiction. (I have a course available:
  2. how to write a nonfiction book.
  3. How to publish and market a non-fiction book. (You can write the book while you decide about publishing and every writer has to market their work.
  4. a product ownership book: how to plan and replan from strategy to tactics and back. The product people call this discovery and delivery. Those words are good. They’re not enough. I have more words :slight_smile:

I have plenty more: a memoir because I live with permanent vertigo, compilations of my questions of the week (see for those ideas).
And, for fiction, I think I just found a character I want to write about.

So, no problem with writing projects. My only “problem” is the sequencing of these and which ones to start and finish. Hehehehe.