Server location vs load time for the end user

I also refuse to host ad-infested websites that require that stuff though, mine are always free, no ads, I pay for everything out of pocket from my own day job, and I host over 40 sites for various people as long as they abide by my very few rules, no ads is one (patreon and such they can get money, I don’t restrict that, but no tracking stuff). I’ve worked on all the sites to make them lightweight, I compile the javascript and CSS into minimal bundles, etc… etc…

I do host a couple discourse forums, and they are not as lightweight as I’d want at all (we really need a discourse clone made in rust, this heavy stuff for no reason is sooooooo annoying, I’d have made one by now if I’d had the time for it), but they are on a few dedicated hardware and even with as many connections as they open it’s http2 and it still only totals like 1-2megs on a page load I just tested on one of mine. Not much I can do about discourse without a better thing coming out.

I have a gigabit network with 12ms latency to my servers that are 1500 miles away and yet this site took 9.6s to load here, lol.

EDIT: Just tested, 160mbits/s download to the desktop I’m on now, but it’s going through an old router that’s constraining its speed (been too cheap to replace it with another new one), with 12ms unloaded latency and 54ms loaded latency.