I’m wondering why you chose the following sequence in your expression:
Function under test =:= reference expression
prop_biggest() ->
?FORALL(List, (list(integer())),
biggest(List) =:= lists:last(lists:sort(List))
EUnit macros using assertEqual(Expect, Expr)
, whehe EUnit uses the opposite order of items.
biggest_test() ->
?assert(5 =:= biggest([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])),
?assert(8 =:= biggest([3, 8, 7, -1])),
?assert(0 =:= biggest([0])),
?assert(5 =:= biggest([-10, 5, -901])).
I understand that the order of the elements doesn’t matter. When you proposed your order, what were you guided by, what were your motives?