Programming Phoenix LiveView: related stateless components in one module

Drawing is done using stateless components that exist in separate modules. For example:

# lib/pento_web/live/pento/board.ex
def render(assigns) do
    <div id={ @id } phx-window-keydown="key" phx-target={ @myself }>
      <Canvas.draw viewBox="0 0 200 70">
        <%= for shape <- @shapes do %>
            points={ shape.points }
            fill= { color(shape.color,, ) }
            name={ } />
        <% end %>
          shape_names= { @board.palette }
          id="palette" />

but Phoenix LiveView documentation suggests otherwise:

You must avoid defining a module for each component. Instead, we should use modules to group side-by-side related function components.
Phoenix.Component — Phoenix LiveView v0.20.2

I don’t have much experience with stateless components so I don’t have an opinion on this yet, but I think it would be good if we respected the convention either way: putting them all together or creating separate module for each.