Programmer Passport, Phoenix LiveView: text refers to nonexistent file dazzle_live.ex (page 15)

I’m up to page 15 and suddenly I’m being told to add code to dazzle_live.ex, which does not exist in the project at all. I can only assume I’m supposed to be adding it to ticker_live.ex?

Did the filename change part way through writing this, and not all occurrences were updated perhaps?

There was an earlier occurrence which was confusing as well. On page 10:

“Open up the lib/dazzle_web/live/ticker_live.ex file”

Nobody has talked about even creating the file yet, and I’m being asked to open it?


Hi @Hakanai, how I can help you?

Maybe my example doing this first chapter it could help you, look at in here:

Let me try to help…

the mount functions its call the first time when you open the page and this function sets a timer to send a message called :tick for self() with 250 milliseconds.

The socket keeps the state when the first time you access the initial state is count equal to 0 in my code.

and if you see the handle_info its a function to handle with info about the process in your system, and in the mount function you sent a message, and the handle_info functions have a pattern matching, look:

def handle_info(:tick, socket) do
  {:noreply, inc(socket)}

These functions doing a match with :tick and remember when I said the socket it’s your state? so we pass the socket for another function called inc.

def inc(socket) do
  assign(socket, count: socket.assigns.count + 1)

And the inc function you assign you to state and increment +1 in your count every 2 seconds and a half and update your state.

The handle_info function is :noreply ? because we update your state/page and you don’t necessarily respond to the client who ask to update more like async way.


Yeah, I figured it must have been ticker_live I was supposed to add it to, I was just pointing out that the book was saying to add code to a file that doesn’t exist.