Poll: Which code editor do you use?

We could do but I expect people might get bored of resubmitting so often… so… I would suggest to simply change your vote (as you can in our polls) and then make a post to say what you changed to and why - this would help keep the thread alive and, I think, could spark some interesting discussions :nerd_face:

Speaking of editors, I’d like to see them with added options/intelligence - eg, if I’m working in a Rails (or Phoenix) app, and am saying working on a specific model, I’d like the side pane to automatically show me the associated controller and views and anything else related. I have really grown to dislike the conventional MVC folder structure because usually when I am working on something I very often want to edit related files.

There was a Vim plugin that helped here a bit, so if you were in a model you could :controller and it would jump to the associated controller - but I’d still like the folder structure to change in the tree.