Planck vs Preonic vs Subatomic (Keyboards)

Ah thanks - that looks very cool!

No idea if this is real but…


Seriously tho, Dusty’s article (posted here) is worth a read, here’s an excerpt:

So here we are, on a layout that—no matter how you look at it—was not designed for the modern computer typist. Should we try to fix it? What would be some possible advantages? Here is a partial list:

  • typing speed
  • avoiding repetitive strain (RSI)
  • ergonomics
  • typing comfort and enjoyment
  • efficient processes feel better than inefficient ones, even when the end result is the same—they improve our emotional well-being and quality of life

Haha… I’m sure your customisations won’t stop there :rofl:

Thanks Smithy!

I quite like the look of where one is place in the keyboard in this post. I wonder if PlanckEZ’s can make use of them actually…