I hope it will
Currently I’ve been using it just while going through the exercises in Programming Erlang, and once it becomes more stable will start to use it more (it’s not given me an issues so far).
Part of the reason for setting up our new Code Editors section is to try and post some feedback and suggestions as well, hopefully the Onivim team will be receptive to ideas.
For instance currently you can’t use macOS CMD C/V
, you can in MacVim but I am on the fence whether it should be included - on the one hand it will make it easier for people to get going with Onivim, but on the other people may not fully adopt the Vim way. I need to use it more before making suggestions surround things like this tbh.
One thing I really like to see tho is a permissions pop-up whenever Onivim wants to connect to the internet. Something I hate about VSCode is it wants to connect to the web every few minutes. I don’t want my code editor connecting to the internet in order to function - sometimes I am editing sensitive files and don’t want any part of them accidentally sent to any third party via a crash report or something like that. I think having a ‘security focused’ angle could rally help it stand out - even if that’s just by notifying users of when it wants to connect, what data is being sent and received, etc. Ideally Onivim would act as a gate-keeper (like LittleSnitch) and all you to deny or approve the request.
But that’s stuff to look at further down the line - so far I am loving it!