Onivim 2 Code Editor

Hi @foxtrottwist @AstonJ!

Looking at a couple of these issues - that super-bright-notifications is definitely a bug (theme color issue :grimacing:) - that’s fixed in the latest nightly.

And then the Erlang extension - first issue is that we’re missing the output logs - I checked them in the terminal and saw this:

Method: $append args: [null,"escript: Failed to open file: /home/bryphe/.config/oni2/extensions/erlang-ls.erlang-ls-0.0.15/erlang_ls/_build/debug/bin/erlang_ls\n"]

Inspecting further - it turns out the extensions erlang_ls/_build folder is empty - it seems to be that the open-vsx extension doesn’t have the built erlang language server included in the package.

I logged an issue on open-vsx: https://github.com/open-vsx/publish-extensions/issues/228

As a workaround… the extension can be manually installed / built - here’s the steps I used (assuming node/npm/erl/rebar3 are installed):

  • cd ~/.config/oni2/extensions
  • rm -rf erlang-ls*
  • git clone https://github.com/erlang-ls/vscode erlang-ls
  • cd erlang-ls
  • npm install
  • npm run compile

Bit of a pain for sure… but with that, the language server is working:

We hit this a few times with the open-vsx packages missing dependencies, unfortunately (ie - haskell: https://github.com/open-vsx/publish-extensions/pull/122 , vetur: https://github.com/open-vsx/publish-extensions/pull/146)

They’ve done an awesome job seeding the repository with a bunch of packages, but it’s hard to capture all the build steps / environments native tools need - best case is that more extensions will publish directly to open-vsx :crossed_fingers: Would be great if the owner of elixir-ls/vscode published to open-vsx along with the vscode marketplace!