Paulo has posted some good links to support his views Dimi, eg:
Yes he might massage things for effect a tiny little bit but that’s something we can all be guilty of. My best advice is if you are confident in your choices don’t let things rub you up the wrong way and if somebody does post something that is inaccurate, it should be easy enough to put forward facts to show where they might be wrong, or just simply ask for clarification with something like “I find that hard to believe, do you have any links to support those claims?” Usually that is enough
You can get a little bit defensive tho Dimi and in the same way that massaging facts to support a viewpoint can weaken it, becoming defensive can do the same too.
I think this is why I try to remain chilled and try not getting defensive (especially about inaminate objects). Few things rile me these days. I must get getting old
I am not currently Actually let me rephrase that, I am VERY happy with my choice (/what I decided to buy) - this machine is absolutely amazing - but I am NOT happy with how Apple have effectively throttled it. Either by not caring (which is bad enough) or by purposely doing it so that people rush out and spend thousands on their new M series Macs. Both of these cases are really really bad, especially when their products cost so much and they pride themselves as a company that cares about their customers.
I sincerely hope someone from Apple is listening and that they do actually care, and sort these problems out.