Modern Front-End Development for Rails, Second Edition: Chapter 1 setup

@noelrappin Happy to see the 2nd Edition underway with Rails 7!

In section “The Sample Code” it says chapter_01/01 is “probably the best place to start if you are following along”. But:

  1. In the chapter_01/01 tree has no models, controllers, views, sample data, etc. If you start from there, you just get the default welcome-to-Rails page.

  2. Switching to chapter_01/02 works better; however, the bin/setup script (and the instructions listed under “The setup script will do the following”) runs rails db:prepare which doesn’t load the seed data. So on the next page where it says to start the server, and “you’ll see the schedule page with […] a lot of schedule information at the bottom” – it’s actually empty. By running rails db:seed I was able to get the sample data.