Mac users - any unaccounted 'used' disk space on your drives?

I’m not a mac user, though it says something about ~160GiB beeing purgeable.

How does it usually account for backups?

Also it seems as if APFS supports snapshots, how are those accounted?

As a ZFS user who uses snapshotting a lot in automated ways, I usually do not see the snapshots in a filemanager, but only by using the specialised ZFS tools.

Lets say du -sh ~ tells me that ~ were 230 GB, df -h ~ only says 209G due to compression, while a zfs list tells me this:

$ zfs list -o name,used,available,referenced,compressratio rpool/safe/home/nmelzer
NAME                      USED  AVAIL     REFER  RATIO
rpool/safe/home/nmelzer   302G  72.5G      209G  1.18x

As you can see, this subvolume refers to 209 G directly, while it has an overall size of 302G. The additional ~80G come from differences in the snapshots I keep for that volume.

Perhaps something similar is going on for your APFS?

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