Is Rust Used Safely by Software Developers?

I likely would be but then again last year I’ve worked in a corporation where one of the big frameworks’ contributors also worked – I know how passionate the Rust people are in general, it’s just that most Rust devs have to do so much that when they get to web work they breathe a sigh of relief, lol.

Like, this guy (Rob something, can’t remember now) just casually rewrote a whole web backend with 50+ endpoints from rocket 0.4 to actix_web in a day… A PR with something like 600 additions and 450 deletions or some such. I was seriously very impressed.

But in any case, I am not arguing that the Rust community does not care about web – they do. It’s just my observation that many don’t and that the web sub-community is small and very passionate (and hardcore).