How can tech save the world?

Some time ago I started to feel that if we take more than we give/do for others/the planet, then we are nothing more than parasites. This was actually a little bit depressing - when you realise that your mere existence is contributing towards the downfall of the world you live in and so many of its inhabitants, it makes you question your entire being and purpose.

It has been at the forefront of my mind in everyday life for some time now, and when thinking about projects I want to work on I try to select those that ultimately do more for others than they do for me. I extend this to everyday life too, I try to be a positive force in the life of others, meaning if I can do or say something that might help someone feel better about themselves or their own existence, or can help them to be a better version of themselves (including encouraging them to be better residents and care-takers of the planet) then it’s definitely something worth spending time on.

While it does help me feel a little less guilty about being a member of a species that is currently a huge scourge on the planet, I still don’t feel completely content - I feel there’s much more that (I) can do. It’s actually the driving force behind wanting to create a SN; the ultimate reason being to try and make the world a better place through it.

The other project I want to do is where we raise a million pounds for dogs! Definitely more of a fun project with far less stress than running a SN!! :laughing: and even places like this, can, I believe, be a force for good… even if via meaningful and thought-provoking conversations like this :orange_heart:

So to answer the question in the first post - a lot! I think technology is the key to saving the world, and as people who can code, we’re in a very privileged position to do something about it. This means YOU could quite possibly be the person that does :star_struck: