Headphones for developers - what do you use?

I have more than a few pair of headphones, but these are what I use the most right now:

Shure SE215,
In ear monitors. Very good sound for the price. They include foam ear tips which really help block office noise while also helping you keep your headphones at a lower volume. Really love these. I also bought a bluetooth adapter that impacts audio quality a bit but is super convenient.

I also recently picked up a pair of AirPods Pro. Audio quality is pretty good, but not as good as audiophile class cans. The noise cancellation is shockingly good and they work so well with my iPhone and MacBook Pro. Use these for convenience but still use the Shure’s when I want to listen to music with better quality.

At home when gaming or listening to music I use open back headphones, recently the Audio Technica ATH-AD700X have been my go to. They have a bigger soundstage and I really like them. Just can’t use them in an open office because they don’t block out noise and everyone would hear what i’m listening to.