Hands-on Rust: pages 145, 150, 162, 165

Some more typos and a couple more significant issues involving instructions/code snippets. Nothing stopped me dead, just head scratchers.


p145 typo
“…and you dividing the System scheduler into multiple parts.”

p150 type
point 1 description is repeated twice: 1,1,3,4

p162 instructions
“Start by adjusting the system to be able to read Player - and no longer require the map:”
The code snippet does not match previous iteration (from p144)
The prior iteration does not read Map.
The prior iteration also does not read Health which is in the new snippet (and required).

p162 instructions
“The random destination code remains the same, but instead of immediately issuing a move instruction you need to check the destination for potential targets:”
I found it a little confusing on where to insert the following code snippet. (within the movers.iter)

p165 instructions
“Start by adding a second component type to the system, and making the SubWorld mutable:”
Snippet adds Enemy and Health components which were not there previously (p143).
Also Subworld is already mutable.

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Thanks! I’ve added these into the tracker, and I’ll try to include them in beta 4 (beta-5 if I miss the cut-off, but I think we’ll be ok there)

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