Hands-on Rust: map in DrunkardsWalkArchitect

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 11: Implement the BoilerPlate)

pub​ ​struct​ DrunkardsWalkArchitect {
​ 	map : Map
​ }

This is incompatible with the code at “Activating the NewMap Type”

 let mut architect = DrunkardsWalkArchitect {};

I looked and the map is not there in the downloaded source code, so I’ll sort it out locally.

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And same situation with the screenshot selecting th test harness rather than what a use will see if the run the program.

(Maybe I’m missing that “run the program” currently means “run the test harness??”

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Thanks! This definitely needs some clarification in the book. The map appearance is the same issue as with the cellular automata - trying to show the whole map. It really needs to show both.

Good catch on the DrunkardsWalkArchitect initialization. It looks like I copy/pasted the wrong bit of code; the version in the source doesn’t have a local map field (it’s just pub struct DrunkardsWalkArchitect {}). I’ll clear that up also.

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