Under section Testing Rust with “Hello, World”, step 2 says to Navigate to the Rust workspace you created with cd. For example cd Rust., but there is no prior instruction to create a Rust workspace directory.
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Confirmed, here’s what’s in my beta 2 copy:
Testing Rust with “Hello, World”
Rust can build a program that prints “Hello, World!” with a simple command. You’ll learn about the details of the program in Creating Your First Rust Program, on page 10. For now, whet your appetite and test that Rust works on your computer:
- Open a command prompt or terminal.
- Navigate to the Rust workspace you created with cd. For example cd Rust.
- Type cargo new testrust ENTER .
- Change to the new testrust directory by typing cd testrustENTER.
- Run your new program by typing cargo runENTER.
Thanks to both of you! I see the issue, and have logged it into the bug tracker. It’ll be fixed for the next beta.
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