Hands-On Rust: Feedback/impressions from beta 1

Title: Hands-on Rust

I’m caught up to the end of the current beta, and thought I’d pass along current impressions. (If this is the wrong place, or inappropriate, just say so)

I’m rather enjoying putting the game together. Games are not an area I’ve explored before.

That said, I’m mainly here to learn Rust. I feel like, at this point, my focus is much more directed on learning more about Legion, etc. and how it’s systems work, and don’t really feel that I’m picking up much “new Rust” in the past couple of chapters.

There’s also a bit of a feeling that all the Legion macros and the like are isolating me from what’s really going on. For example, not much explanation of why the functions I create in the systems modules are never called directly in my code. I’ve done enough work with other frameworks to intuit that the framework is taking those functions and generating the *_system() functions to wire everything up. (Similar feeling re: the #[resource] annotations, etc.). I understand that a book at this level isn’t going to explain how to write macros (maybe even read them), but feel like it could use a bit more elaboration on what they’re setting up for me (they are wetting my appetite to learn more about hem as I get my bearings about me more with basic Rust).

I suppose those suggestions seem a bit contradictory (more explanation of what legion is doing, less focus on Legion and more on Rust), but I feel they’re associated.

Looking forward to next beta.