Hands-on Rust: Error in quip: “3 things are hard..."

You only mention 2.
Cache invalidation is the third (I think) :smiley:

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Sadly, that’s the joke (it’s a very old one, possibly dating myself here - but eons ago when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth and I was in highschool it was a common quip). “3 things are hard in Computer Science: naming things and off-by-one errors”. List two items, count 3 of them - that’s an off-by-one error.

I’ll ask around and see if that’s too obscure, I was having fun!


I’ve definitely heard it before, but I always heard it the other way around. “Only 2 things are hard in computer science, naming, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.”

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Got it.
I think palmegs note is clearer, and I would have got it…
Thanks for the response.

I agree! I’ll add it to the list for the next beta. Thanks!