Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 10 : Updating Fields of View)
first code changes to movement.rs. The notations for change 1 and the description do not match (and there’s no code that matches the description to create the query).
At first, I read this as “it’s time I didn’t have to tell you how to do this thing another time”, but noticed it was a description attached to a code notation.
OK, should have finished “getting it right” before posting.
I see that I didn’t need to add a query, so the comment to the code change was just incorrect.
Next one is probably just me, but I replaced the if map.can_enter_tile...
code with the ``if let Ok(entry)…code. It would probably help avoid that confusion if the code change included the context that the
if map.can_enter_tile… commands.add_component…```. I messed it up and had to resort to comparing to the dl’ed source to see where I interpreted the instructions wrong.
Thanks! I see the messed up code comment. That section could use a bit of cleaning up for clarity - I’ve added it to the bug list, it should be fixed for the next beta.