Hands-on Rust B4.0 183 - amulet char ambiguous for epub and few other thoughts

Wow, I had no idea that epub was going to cause an issue there. I’ll try to use a different glyph for the next beta.

I definitely agree on underlining the benefits of adding the mod x calls. It’s one of the topics that trips up newcomers to Rust (I understand why it doesn’t just include every .rs file - it’s helpful if you want to do advanced things like conditionally compile for a platform, but it’s confusing when you start). I’ll see if I can clarify that in a few places.

Which Rust plugin are you using for auto-complete? I’ve largely switched to rust-analyzer rather than the default Rust/RLS (it changed its name). It’s quite a bit faster, and generally pretty accurate on auto-complete by using a miniature version of the compiler. It’s come a long way recently; when I started the book, it was too unstable to recommend. Now, I’d have trouble living without it!

I’ll contemplate the font file. I may be able to claw back some page-count by making the font-file up front and reusing it. I need to strike a balance by not confusing people too much with a bunch of content up-front that won’t be used for several chapters. Anyone else want to chime in here? I’m leaning towards making the font up-front, just want to be sure that won’t confuse people!