This is no particular interest but here is some code that uses the “execute around” pattern to build a timer to time the “primes generator”, as well as a second primes generator that uses a self-modifying stream filter, a closure that accumulates all the primes found so far so as to perform divisibility testing, which is evidently faster than the “try to divide by every x between 2 and sqrt(n)”.
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
class SimpleTimer {
public final long duration_ms;
public final List<Integer> result;
private SimpleTimer(List<Integer> result, long duration_ms) {
this.result = Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
this.duration_ms = duration_ms;
public static SimpleTimer timeIt(Supplier<List<Integer>> supplier) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Integer> result = supplier.get();
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
return new SimpleTimer(result, stop - start);
class Primes {
public static boolean isPrime(final int number) {
return number > 1 &&
IntStream.rangeClosed(2, (int) Math.sqrt(number))
.noneMatch(divisor -> number % divisor == 0);
private static int primeAfter(final int number) {
if (isPrime(number + 1)) {
return number + 1;
return primeAfter(number + 1);
public static List<Integer> primes(final int fromNumber, final int count) {
return Stream.iterate(primeAfter(fromNumber - 1), Primes::primeAfter)
class PrimesSieveNoDoubles {
private enum What {found_divisor, surpassed_sqrt, possibly_prime}
// This is actually a little bit *slower* than a version that computes sqrt(x)
// to determine whether to stop instead of using integer division to check whether
// the dividend has become smaller than the divisor.
public static List<Integer> primes(int limit) {
final var store = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Predicate<Integer> p = x -> {
What what = What.possibly_prime;
Iterator<Integer> iter = store.iterator();
while (what == What.possibly_prime && iter.hasNext()) {
int somePrime =;
// it is faster to compute remainder and divisor next to one another always
// than compute the divisor inside the "else", apparently due to compiler optimizations
int remainder = x % somePrime;
int dividend = x / somePrime;
if (remainder == 0) {
// System.out.println(x + " = " + somePrime + "*n, not a prime");
what = What.found_divisor;
} else {
// int divisor = x / somePrime;
if (dividend < somePrime) {
what = What.surpassed_sqrt;
if (what == What.surpassed_sqrt || what == What.possibly_prime) {
// System.out.println(x + " is prime");
return true;
} else {
return false;
List<Integer> result = Stream.iterate(2, x -> x + 1).
// add the end of the collect, the result and the store have the same content
// this comparison takes a few ms
return result;
public class Primality {
private final static int limit = 1_000_000;
void runBookPrimes() {
List<Integer> l1 = Primes.primes(1, 10);
List<Integer> l2 = Primes.primes(100, 5);
assertEquals(List.of(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29),l1);
assertEquals(List.of(101, 103, 107, 109, 113),l2);
System.out.println("10 primes from 1: " + l1);
System.out.println("5 primes from 100: " + l2);
void runBookPrimesWithTimer() {
// not an actual test, just printout
final SimpleTimer timeIt = SimpleTimer.timeIt(() -> Primes.primes(2, limit));
final List<Integer> result = timeIt.result;
final String range = (result.isEmpty()) ? "" : "in range [" + result.get(0) + "," + result.get(result.size() - 1) + "] ";
System.out.println("Using book code: finding " + result.size() + " primes " + range + "took " + timeIt.duration_ms + " ms");
void runPrimesSieveWithTimer() {
// not an actual test, just printout
final SimpleTimer timeIt = SimpleTimer.timeIt(() -> PrimesSieveNoDoubles.primes(limit));
final List<Integer> result = timeIt.result;
final String range = (result.isEmpty()) ? "" : "in range [" + result.get(0) + "," + result.get(result.size() - 1) + "] ";
System.out.println("Using primes sieve w/o doubles: finding " + result.size() + " primes " + range + "took " + timeIt.duration_ms + " ms");