FP vs. OO

Over the last several years I have paired with people learning Functional Programming who have expressed an anti-OO bias. This usually comes in the form of statements like: “Oh, that’s too much like an Object.”

I think this comes from the notion that FP and OO are somehow mutually exclusive. Many folks seem to think that a program is functional to the extent that it is notobject oriented. I presume this opinion comes as a natural consequence of learning something new.

When we take on a new technique, we often tend to eschew the old techniques we used before. This is natural because we believe the new technique to be “better” and therefore the old technique must be “worse”.

In this blog I will make the case that while OO and FP are orthogonal, they are not mutually exclusive. That a good functional program can (and should) be object oriented. And that a good object oriented program can (and should) be functional. But to accomplish this goal we are going to have to define our terms very carefully…

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