Effective Haskell: Discussion of map (page 58 B2)

In the discussion of map on page 58 you present the example:

map ($ 10) [(+1), (*3), (`div` 5)]

This confuses me a lot. You introduces the function application operator ($) back on page 15 as a way of forcing validation of arguments prior to the evaluation of the function. In that case the $ comes after the function but before the arguments.

Here we have the $ 10 as the function. I look at this example and it seems to be completely backward. I know what you are doing but I just cannot make sense of how it works. In fact, the ‘div’ example is a great example of where I go off the rails trying to understand this. If I execute

div 5 $ 10 

in ghci I get the result 0. And, of course, this doesn’t work at all:

$ 10 `div` 5 // or even $ 10 div 5

So what this does is

div 10 5

But, for the life of me, I cannot figure out how that happens from the given map command.