Effective Haskell: Chapter 5 - Typos

page 155 - last sentence: “…let’s install the stylish-haskell…” → “…let’s install the stylish-haskell package…”
page 164 - lower half: “… The socalled carrot operators…” → “… The so-called …”
page 170 - ‘Creating Your Own Modules’ - “… Haskell mades…” → " … makes …"
page 170 (same paragraph) - “The file should be place directories…” → “… in directories…” (missing ‘in’?)
page 175 (last sentence before ‘Writing Documentation and Packaging’ section) - “…and when to reexport submodules.” → “… re-export …” (for consistency, use hyphenated)
page 175 (‘Writing Documentation and Packaging’ section) - first senetence - “…are typically docuemented…” → documented (misspelling)
page 175 - last paragraph - “… workign…” → working (misspelling)
page 175 - same sentence as above - “…a more complete programs.” → “… program.” (singular)