Distributed Services with Go: Directory Names Inconsistent (5)

On page five (5), we are instructed to create create a module of the form:

go mod init github.com/travisjeffery/proglog

However, starting from the very next page the directory all the files are in are organized by chapter name:

Create a internal/server directory tree in the root of your project and put the fol-lowing code under the server directory in a file called log.go:

The root directory it mentions (LetsGo) does not match the root directory we were asked to create on the prior pages (proglog).

It would be best, especially in the beginning, to ensure that the file and directory names are consistent.

Ignore the chapter prefix part of the paths. This is due to a limitation in how the code/paths needs to be structured for the book build. I can’t change them. I think I mentioned why the paths are the way they are in the book, but I’ll double check.

Thanks for the quick reply!