Devtalk Updates Thread

A few more additions/changes to our In The News threads and Tweetbot:

When a thread posting is initiated by a member via one of our news trackers in our #members-only:news-alerts section, we’ll now:

  • Automatically add tags if a word in the title matches any tag used on the forum
  • Try to move the thread to one of the main categories (such as Frontend/Backend/iOS/Android parent categories, etc) if the thread also has a corresponding portal. We’ll also do some rudimentary checks to see if the thread might be a blog post or talk, and if so we’ll move to the blogs/talk section for that category. Otherwise it will default to the Chat section for that category.

The above makes it much easier from a maintenance perspective as there’s less need for us to manually categories things ourselves :nerd_face:

The Tweet Bot will now run every 5 minutes but only tweet threads 10 minutes after they’ve been created - to give the thread starter a chance to edit the thread, add tags, or make any other changes if they need to before it being tweeted :smiley:

We’ve also changed the accompanying text to simply be Corresponding tweet for this thread:.

We’ll keep an eye on how things go with the Tweet Bot, for instance it might be worth simply PM’ing the member who posted a thread to let them know the URL of the tweet (in case they want to retweet/like it) and/or insert the link to the tweet into the first post for the Bot threads (to prevent them being bumped 10 minutes after they’ve been posted). We’ll see how things go so please let us know what you think in the Help/Feedback section after living with it for a little while :blush: