Can a specific language you learned be transferable when learning Rust?

In my experience you can usually transfer quite a bit between languages. I’ve been playing with rust quite a bit recently and I have generally found that at some level there is quite a bit that can be transferred from elixir when reading some parts with similar pipelines built on iterators. I found some functional learnings helpful though more from my attempts playing with Haskell and others with fairly strong type systems. From the other side of things, even if I had some amazing understanding of functional programming, I would’t be able to get through the basics without some primitive understanding of how the hardware works (essentially what you would need to do anything interesting in C, an assembly language or have a good understanding at a similar level). As it stands my thin memory of these topics is getting me through with some effort. I do find I look at stuff and grok it in part because of working with languages like elixir and some others. At the same time the compiler is smacking me sideways because I have forgotten a lot to do with dealing with things at a lower level and because I have never applied those concepts in contexts where you have to consider how resources are managed (this is actually really quite hard unless you have maintained familiarity with dealing with manual resource management).