Build Websites with Hugo: Code will not run in a working Hugo setup

I canot repoduce my problem with the About page exercise in the chapter 1, Kicking the Tyres. I would like to edit that out from my orginal post. I can seen no way of editing posts.

I can find all the comments that are causing the example code not to run by running ripgrep with a regular expression:
<!--(\n.*){2}Pragmatic Bookshelf(.*\n){5}-->
maybe run this with the multiplatform ripgrep (rg):
rg --multiline '<!--(\n.*){2}Pragmatic Bookshelf(.*\n){5}-->' --context 4 or
rg --multiline '<!--(\n.*){2}Pragmatic Bookshelf(.*\n){5}-->' --replace ' ' --context 4

I can confirm that after removing all these comments the example code run just fine.