Best self-hosted version control + CI/CD solution for small team?

The title says it all. I am looking for a small self-hosted code hosting and CI/CD solution and just wonder what your experience with the different solutions are.

The company will not allow any cloud interaction so must be self-hosted on a shared server but I am open for any suggestions.

The features I am after are:

  • Git hosting

  • Code review

  • CI tasks before committing to trunk

  • Maybe issues and wiki but not essential

  • BONUS: Something where I can do everything from the command-line, especially pull requests and reviews and what not. I know this doesn’t seem to be directly supported in the Github/gitlab/gitea sort of solution but perhaps there are others out there which are better?

  • Gitlab - I don’t like it because it uses way too many resources, too many 3rd party components and it is painfully slow

  • Gogs/Gitea - Lightweight and easy to setup but are they any good?

  • phabricator - Is it still a thing?

  • Others?

And what self-hosted CI/CD are there?

  • jenkins - we are currently using this for some things. I am not a huge fan
  • - Managed to get it going with gitea. Is lightweight but is it any good?
  • TeamCity
  • AppVeyor
  • Others?