Baidu unveils new self-driving taxi in China

Baidu says its latest robo-taxi has the road skills of a driver with 20 years’ experience.

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Hmmm, not sure I trust it, given what we’ve seen of self-driving cars in cities here. The article gives zero hard safety data. Can we puh-leeze have some fact-checking, like “journalists” used to do Way Back When?

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I don’t trust autonomous vehicles either - and think there should be laws preventing them from being allowed on our roads until they are proven to be 100% safe :upside_down_face:

They’d probably have less trouble here in Wales, as a new law lowers the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in all residential areas:

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Or at least as safe as an average human driver, on some basis per mile driven. That shouldn’t be very difficult, really.

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Nah :lol:

Has to be significantly better or 100% success rate imo - if they start basing them on human errors they will no doubt cook the stats, including things like driving without due care and attention, driving under the influence, etc :upside_down_face:

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Of course you’re right, and once more, “this is why we can’t have nice things”. :frowning:

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It’s a shame because it all boils down to trust. The Pharma industry suffers from it too - until there is a principle higher than that of making money people are always going to be suspicious and untrusting.

I think people will have more faith in science and tech when they start proving that they care more about the things that really matter (i.e not profit!) :upside_down_face: