Ash Framework: Chapter 8

Dear Jessica.

I am reading the new Chapter 8 now.

On page 200 we create a Test Album with 3 Tracks via iex.
Then the editing of the Tracks is implemented.

The next section discusses What about policies

Before reading that section, I played around with the albums and track.
I was irritated, that I couldn’t see the tracks on the right hand side of the album-view (TunezWeb.Artists.ShowLive).
Instead I saw Track data coming soon…

Looking at the code I saw, that the track_details function-component was called without the tracks-information

<.track_details tracks={[]} />

After changing it to

<.track_details tracks={@album.tracks} />

I saw the tracks correctly

My proposal is to discuss this change before going to What about policies

Kind regards from Heiko