Are you sugar free?

I’ve mostly cut out sugary and processed foods to the extent that, say, black coffee actually tastes sweet now. Edit: maybe I should say that I taste the sweetness in black coffee. When eating out I avoid sauces generally (corn syrup, etc.) and try to order dishes with just a few ingredients. I’m a salad monster – a.k.a. rabbit – but also minimize store-bought dressing, even Japanese, instead go for xv olive oil, vinegar and real mustard for example, and that’s mostly to avoid sugars (as well as subpar oils).

But I do down a lot of blueberries, and other berries, usually with plain yogurt. Wish someone would develop a less sweet and more tangy version but would it sell?

A Coca-Cola tastes garishly sweet to me now, it’s interesting how relative it is. The lurid and gaudy flavors of sweetened processed foods really can drown out other areas of the palate. It’s like shining a bright red light on a subtle painting: the other colors disappear into shadows of themselves.

From what I understand it takes a few weeks for you to adjust, but I can say that currently I usually don’t eat at all until after 2pm, often not until dinner, and I feel energetic in the mornings. I do drink coffee, water, tea.