Agile Web Development with Rails 7: Wrong order of arguments in assertion (p. 166) [solved]

The code for the shown test (in file …/controllers/orders_controller_test.rb) is:

test "requires item in cart" do
  get new_order_url
  assert_redirected_to store_index_path
  assert_equal flash[:notice], 'Your cart is empty'

The Minitest ri info says (or check module Minitest::Assertions - minitest-5.16.3 Documentation):

= .assert_equal

(from gem minitest-5.15.0)
=== Implementation from Assertions
  assert_equal(exp, act, msg = nil)


Fails unless exp == act printing the difference between the two, if

So, it should be:

  assert_equal 'Your cart is empty', flash[:notice]

(Otherwise, if/when the assertion fails, the error message would be a bit confusing.

Agreed. Fixed. Thanks!