Agile Web Development with Rails 7: unpermitted parameter error (page 199) [solved]


I’ve been struggling to get the active_job to work and after hitting a wall I resorted to using the book’s latest source code and I’m still getting an error when I submit my order. Here’s the console:

14:40:27 web.1  |   ↳ app/controllers/orders_controller.rb:40:in `block in create'
14:40:27 web.1  | Unpermitted parameters: :routing_number, :account_number. Context: { controller: OrdersController, action: create, request: #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x000000010bb5cf00>, params: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "order"=>{"name"=>"this is my name", "address"=>"this is my address", "email"=>"", "pay_type"=>"Check", "routing_number"=>"123", "account_number"=>"456789"}, "commit"=>"Place Order", "controller"=>"orders", "action"=>"create"} }
14:40:27 web.1  | Unpermitted parameters: :routing_number, :account_number. Context: { controller: OrdersController, action: create, request: #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x000000010bb5cf00>, params: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "order"=>{"name"=>"this is my name", "address"=>"this is my address", "email"=>"", "pay_type"=>"Check", "routing_number"=>"123", "account_number"=>"456789"}, "commit"=>"Place Order", "controller"=>"orders", "action"=>"create"} }
14:40:27 web.1  | Unpermitted parameters: :name, :address, :email, :pay_type. Context: { controller: OrdersController, action: create, request: #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x000000010bb5cf00>, params: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "order"=>{"name"=>"this is my name", "address"=>"this is my address", "email"=>"", "pay_type"=>"Check", "routing_number"=>"123", "account_number"=>"456789"}, "commit"=>"Place Order", "controller"=>"orders", "action"=>"create"} }

Same error if I run my code or I run the book’s source.