Agile Web Development with Rails 7: [solved]

I have to agree with @mert. The part with

format.turbo_stream { @current_item = @line_item }

is a bit confusing, especially since this appears first on these pages, for ‘task F’. When I gripped in the unzipped code examples folder, I only find @current_item in folders ‘depot_n’ (and following).

Here’s what I did to find the occurrences:

~/Downloads/code/rails7 > grep -Rin "@current_item" * | ruby -e "p { |ln| ln.scan(/(depot_.+?)\//) }.flatten.uniq"
["depot_n", "depot_o", "depot_p", "depot_pa", "depot_pb", "depot_pc", "depot_q", "depot_qa", "depot_qb", "depot_r", "depot_s", "depot_t", "depot_ta", "depot_tb", "depot_tc", "depot_u", "depot_ua", "depot_ub", "depot_uc", "depot_xa", "depot_xb", "depot_xc"]

I would have expected this instance variable somewhere in a subfolder of depot_f already.
Am I doing it wrong?
