Advent of Code 2021

These are getting trickier. The first part was easy, the second, well, needed to re-do first one to make it performant. I guess that quote where they say “Our greatest shortcomings is the inebility to comprehend exponential growth” is true – at least for me.

Anyways, I did do pigeonhole sort in Elixir few days ago, and a similar idea can be applied here… bucket em up.

defmodule AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day06 do
  use AdventOfCode.Helpers.InputReader, year: 2021, day: 6

  def run_1, do: input!() |> parse() |> multiply(80) |> Enum.sum()
  def run_2, do: input!() |> parse() |> multiply(256) |> Enum.sum()
  def parse(f), do: f |> String.split(",") |> |> Enum.frequencies()

  def multiply(fishes, day) do
    (day == 0 && Map.values(fishes)) ||
        Map.pop(fishes, 0)
        |> then(
            for({k, v} <- elem(&1, 1), into: %{}, do: {k - 1, v}),
            %{6 => elem(&1, 0) || 0, 8 => elem(&1, 0) || 0},
            fn _, a, b -> a + b end
        day - 1