On page 265 you describe the process for moving a sucessor node that has a right child. The successor node moves into the position of the deleted node, and then “take the former right child of the successor node and turn it into the left child of the former parent of the successor node.”
What you describe might be more readily grasped if you said something like, “move the successor node into the position of the deleted node, and move the former right child of the successor node into the position the successor node just vacated.”
There are probably other ways to say that, too, but it is easier for me to think about “filling in the now-empty position with the dangling right child” than to work through the wording the way it appears in the book, which is, nonetheless, absolutely correct.
/book-a-common-sense-guide-to-data-structures-and-algorithms-second-edition by @jaywengrow