A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1: dfs_traversal method referenced, should be dfs_traverse (page 347)

Title: A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1: dfs_traversal method referenced, should be dfs_traverse (page 347)


On page 347 there’s the following text and code:

We check each adjacent vertex to see whether it has already been visited. If it has, we do nothing, but if it has never been visited yet, we recursively call dfs_traversal on that adjacent vertex:

if not visited_vertices.get(adjacent_vertex.value):
   dfs_traverse(adjacent_vertex, visited_vertices)

The text description preceding the code snippet references the dfs_traversal method, which should instead be dfs_traverse as indicated by the code.