Chris Strom
edited by Adaobi Obi Tulton @aotulton
What’s better than playing games? Programming your own! Make your own online games, even if you’re an absolute beginner. Let your imagination come to 3D life as you learn real-world programming skills with JavaScript. When you’re done, you’ll be amazed at what you can create.
This second edition makes it even easier to get started programming. Every example has been updated, with new example games and new 3D effects that make your games even more fun. Program right in a web browser using a code editor created especially for this book. See the results of your work and imagination right next to the code that you just typed. Along the way, you’ll pick up a ton of programming knowledge, and dive in even deeper with some more advanced chapters.
Best of all, you get to create awesome games and say, “I made this!”
“Finding books that I can learn something from is not terribly hard, but finding a book that I can learn from along with my kid is invaluable.”
–Ron Donoghue, Co-Founder, Evil Hat Productions
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