How do you "journal" your own progress with learning

I’m wondering how you journal or keep track with your learning. I myself using diary (just timestamp and quick summary on what I did), but I’m sure there’s more ways to skin a cat :upside_down_face:.


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I have notebooks where I scribble things. Also I am more of a “doer” so all I learn are in code form as well.

I intend to maintain more public blog from next year. My target learning topics for next year are functional data structures and algorithms so there will be lots of asking for reviews from the experts :slight_smile:


iirc you posted that topic somewhere here or ElixirForums? Thanks for sharing it :pray:

PS. where was it again?


Yes I had posted it here. Let me get you the link Here is the link

I am trying to see algorithms that I was taught back in college through a functional lens (no pun) and using Elixir and F# as implementation languages. I will start posting about them in a blog from next year. I have put a pause on the “public” part of that because I am right now learning and filling up notebooks on various algorithms and implementations in Elixir. In my experience, the moment you (really) understand zippers a big functional aha moment, but that experience works best when you have a paper with you at all times. Then there’s also Advent of Code that’s keeping me distracted from that goal. :wink:


I’m the same as Mafinar, I write notes in a notebook for anything I think I might need to remember. Or I highlight, eg:



I generally don’t journal quite everything I learn… but when I come across something particularly interesting, whether a language feature or interesting usage, I might blog (which I haven’t done in way too long) or tweet about it. Especially when I was learning Ruby, this served a double purpose: cement it a little more firmly in my mind, and also show the world, at least to some extent, yes I really do know this stuff despite not having been paid to do it yet.